Sep 24Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

This: Instead of trying paint subjects mostly as they are, maybe I’m ready to paint them how I want them to be.

So much this!

A transition I'm slowly making myself. Best of luck to us both as we wander down this intriguing new path🪄😁

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Absolutely! We are traveling buddies in spirit. 😊

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Beautiful, your Pep talk worked. The painting is gorgeous. I have just begun with watercolors. It is fun working with them.

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Thank you! 😊 Watercolors are amazing!

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Lovely art, really enjoy reading about your process, and especially appreciate your experience of feeling lost. That has happened to me so many times. I love drawing and painting animals, and while I feel satisfaction in rendering them well, I have more fun with the wonky, silly art that comes out of play and experimentation. I think there's a place for both!

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Thanks so much! The mix of play and planned seems like a very common, if not universal, process. 😊

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Sep 7Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

You've only been painting for a year?! Jeebus!

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A year and some change now! I really committed myself to it. 😊

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Sep 8Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou


These also remind me of some of my mom's paintings...from after she'd been painting most of her life! Especially the impression of texture thing. Can't seem to figure out attaching images, but that technique does seem like kind of a pro tip, from ppl who paint alot.

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It’s definitely a stylistic choice! I’ve also tried painting hairs individually with a fine brush. It’s wonderful that your mom painted, too!

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WOW!!! What an amazing painting!!!

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Thank you so much! 😊 I really appreciate it.

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Sep 1Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

Do what you feel is right for YOU. As another who puts paint on paper, I have tried several things over the past 10 years, some have been pretty good, others a disaster, but that hasn’t stopped me from doing what I enjoy and gifting some to family and friends. I love your birds, they are amazing.

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Thanks so much! I’m sure it’ll take time to understand how I like to paint… I know some things already but there are so many things I just haven’t tried yet.

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Sep 1Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

Beautiful work, Jean! And I understand that feeling you described in your post. In addition to committing to drawing from life more, I have also been exploring abstract art. Both have pushed me closer to making work that feels like “me.” Still not sure where it’s all going, but that’s part of the fun! I look forward to seeing how your work develops!

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Thank you! And yes! It seems we’re trying similar things… I’ve found when I do paint backgrounds I prefer them to be more abstract than my main subjects.

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Sep 1Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

Yes! I tend to like the way that looks. It's also an opportunity to meld both modes of working, which to me creates a more satisfying process. I've also experimented with letting go of some of my control over what the finished piece will look like. Some true messes! And also some pieces that I feel deeply connected to.

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This resonates with me… it’s never a straightforward progression, is it?

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Sep 2Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

I mean...it never is for me, anyway! : )

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Aug 29Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

This is beautiful!

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Thank you so much! 😊

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Aug 28Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

WOW! So glad I stumbled onto your page. Such talent! :)

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Thank you, thank you! I really appreciate it. 😊

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Dropped a comment under your fox in Notes---so came to your Substack.

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Thanks so much! I'm glad you found your way here. :)

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Aug 28Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

I am happy to have found you and look forward to seeing how your journey unfolds.

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Thank you so much! I'm also very eager to see where this all leads... so happy you're coming along with me.

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Brilliant. ‘Miles on the brush’ as a dear artist friend of mine used to say. And once you know the rules, you get to explore creativity. The artwork in the post is superb! Congratulations. Now you get to think about how to capture what it makes you feel. And that’s when the doors open wide, because the rules gave you technique, but feelings let you fly. I’ll definitely subscribe and follow along for the exciting ride ahead. Hugs from Australia. 🤗🤗💕

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Thank you so much! I'm trying to break some habits (it's funny how many you can collect over a relatively short period of time) and that alone has been an interesting challenge. I'm really glad to have you as a subscriber. 😊

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I have come across similar creative lulls, being unsure of where to go next. What I have found is that sketching a particular tree, or engaging with the living landscape in some way, awakens a quality of attention that is pure enchantment, a movement of consciousness that goes both ways—I become the tree, the river, the plant, and the object of my attention becomes likewise a part of me. From that relationship all manner of curiosities pull me forward.

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Thanks so much for sharing this... that's a wonderful way of finding your creative way forward and beautifully put.

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Aug 18Liked by Jean S. Kaiyou

wow...that's stunning for 13 months! But if it's not feeling right, then trust your gut and enjoy the journey (and frustrations) you'll cross!

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! I really appreciate it.

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Sounds a lot like the process I see many newer writers going through, too—of learning all the rules, and then learning which they want to break. Thanks for sharing your work. I look forward to seeing more and hearing more about your process.

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Thanks so much! And absolutely, I think of it as my transition from crawling to walking. And one day I’ll be able to run. 😀

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I love that. I’m in a similar place with my art process.

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Jean, I've only just found you, and WOW. I see your talent shining through those woven layers of doubt and hope, and I cannot wait to see what you create next.

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Thanks so much, Robin... you have no idea how happy I was to see your comment! I'd resolved to keep posting even if I didn't get any subscribers, if only to keep myself accountable. But it's infinitely better to have readers who are interested and kind, even if they're just a few. :D

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