Your perspective brings lightness to my day. Thank you.

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That is such a lovely thing to hear... thank you so much. 😊

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I’m so glad you liked my owls, thank you! 😊 They are wonderful birds.

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I love the first one the most, is magical

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Thanks so much! (It’s my favorite, too. 😊)

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I agree

The backlit perspective gives it an otherworldly dimension, but especially the continuation of the green wash through background and subject, like he's gliding between two worlds at once

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That was a beautiful description! Thank you so much! 🦉

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Murder of crows, a wisp of snipes, party of jays and on and on..thanks for this

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Thanks so much for reading... and I didn't know that it was "wisp" for snipes! That's fantastic. 😊

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Your bird friends are phenomenal, Jean. One of my fondest memories of my childhood visits to my grandparents' house in Council Grove, Kansas is of settling down for the night and being able to listen to the Barred Owls calling “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?” They are lovely birds, monogamous and home-loving; they tend to remain in a 6-mile radius of their home for life.

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Thanks so much! That is a lovely memory. I had to go find recordings of barred owl calls… it’s amazing how unique the vocalizations are for each species.

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Sassafras is just delightful! I love the reflection in his eyes. I think you’ve done an amazing job. Can’t wait to see the next owl ☺️

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Thanks, I really appreciate it! 😊 I had so much fun painting Sassafras.

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These are all lovely. My first and only close encounter with an owl was a confused barn owl out in daylight as a teenager. I’d never seen anything quite so ghostly and (to me) huge. It floated along the middle of the road and finally vanished over a high stone wall into a large private estate (owned by Jesuits. Probably not relevant). I can still its wings seemingly spanning the whole lane.

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What a great story…. Thanks so much for sharing! 😊 Barn owls are so beautiful. I can only imagine how wonderful the sight of it was so close.

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Your art brought joy to me today, thank you.

I also loved how you 'broke the rules' before you even knew about them.

I also love owls and we often see a barn owl where we live now (although not for a while!). I'm in awe every time, I feel very privileged to see it.

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I’m so glad you liked my paintings and took the time to let me know… Thanks so much! 😄🦉I love barn owls and wish we saw them around here. You’re so lucky!

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What a delightful read! You are a gifted writer as well as a gifted painter! Your owls are amazing! I loved hearing about your use of white watercolor! I want to buy some now! The Neocolor II are something else I keep thinking about since discovering you! Oh my! Did you ever think of yourself as an influencer?!

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Thanks very much, Candy! That’s so uplifting to hear… I really appreciate it. This is my fourth post so I’m definitely not an influencer in the way social media defines it but I think we as artists are often… enablers when it comes buying to art supplies. 😂 I’m trying hard to rein in the habit, though!

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My parents knew a lady who used to paint similar renderings but on driftwood. I can still see them in my mind to the day. Mom took a page from Midge’s book, and started painting her own earrings, and also tried a few attempts on driftwood as well. Summer evenings my folks would take me down to the river and I’d play on the bank while mom scoured for something suitable.

Those were the day when my parents rented at a place called Kirkside. Dad was trying to start up his business out east so we could move from Chicago. I was 4-5 at the time.

Your paintings triggered those memories. I really love your art.

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The stories I receive in return for sharing my art are the best gifts I could ask for… thank you so much. For a moment, you let me sit beside you and remember the world as it was through your eyes. 💕

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I may just put something together and send to you.

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Really enjoyed your story, narration lovely owls. So personal and meaningful. Thank you! What a delight.

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Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! They've made me very happy. 😊 🦉

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Plumicorns! Lovely new word for me❣️Birds are such fun to paint, I'm enjoying your owls very much. p.s. I agree entirely about opaque white.

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Yes! I LOVE the word plumicorns. And white watercolor paint is great! Thanks so much for commenting. 🦉🧡

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So beautiful - the art and the subjects. A terrific read. Thanks so much.

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Thank you... I appreciate your comment so much!!! 😊

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Beautifully created and presented, many thanks! 🙏

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Thank you… I really appreciate you reading my post and taking the time to comment! 🦉

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Awesome owls, all three! You have amazing talent. Owls are one of my favorite animals, too. :)

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Thank you! 😊 I really appreciate it.

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I absolutely love your work! Do you have classes online?

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Thank you so much! 😊 I’m not teaching at the moment but it’s something I’m considering.

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